Need cash? We provide quick, confidential, 30-day collateral-based loans. We also buy outright and trade.
Things we take:
- Guns
- Tools
- Jewelry
- Laptop Computers (2 years old or less, and reset to factory settings)
- Electronics (must have all accessories)
- Game systems (PS5 and later)
- TVs (less than 2 years old)
NOTE: All items are subject to inspection, testing and must be in clean condition.
Things we don’t take:
- Cell Phones
- Wireless Ear Buds (unless in unopened package)
- Car Stereo Equipment
- Old Electronics
- Sports Memorabilia
- Clothing
Visit us in-store at our downtown Winona, MN location. Open Monday thru Friday 10am – 5:00pm, Saturday 9am – noon, closed on Sundays.